Couple Therapy
This is a form of psychotherapy that can help you and your partner improve your relationship. It is open to couples who are in a relationship, married or not.
Family Therapy
This is a form of mental health treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family.
Art Therapy
This is a kind of therapy that uses “active art-making, creative process, applied psychological theory, and human experience.”
Psychotherapy and Counselling
Treatment of mental or emotional disorder or of related bodily ills by psychological means .
Outpatient Rehabilitation
This is a course of treatment to support your recovery while at home coupled with a series of visits to a private therapy practice or a clinic.
Electro-convulsive Therapy (ECT)
This is a medical treatment that involves a brief electrical stimulation of the brain while the patient is under anesthesia
Relapse Prevention
This is a cognitive-behavioral approach to relapse with the goal of identifying and preventing high-risk situations such as unhealthy substance use, obsessive-compulsive behavior, sexual offending, obesity, and depression.
Nursing Care
This is assistance provided for the health care needs of sick or disabled individuals, by or under the direction of licensed nursing personnel. We have a qualified and skilled team consisting of top nurses and patient care providers.
Occupational Therapy
This is a type of health care that helps to solve the problems that interfere with a person’s ability to do the things that are important to them – everyday things like: getting dressed, eating, moving around the house